New and Improved!
It was time for an overhaul of the website. I realized last year that I wasn't very fond of the website service I was using. So I moved. I've been under construction for a while, but now, the new site is here!
A breakdown of my new sections:
*Cartographie: This is my blog. Here you'll find all my old posts (I moved them all with me--maybe smart, maybe not, but they're a part of me, so they come with me). I plan to try to focus on observations of faith, spirituality, fiction, writing technique, writing (including my #micromonday flash fiction section), and more.
*Imaginographie: A listing of my books and other works. This section might be in progress for a bit as I figure out what format works best.
*Biographie: Self-explanatory. ;)
*Epistolographie: My contact page. Also, the name of my upcoming newsletter. I want to connect with people, so if you want to connect with me, be sure to fill out the form and let me know!
I will be starting up my normal posts in two weeks. (Next week is my wedding anniversary and we will be observing the 7th anniversary of the birth and loss of our first daughter, Genna. So I'm going to be up front and not even try to post next week.)
If you have any questions, let me know through the contact form. I look forward to adventuring together in my new space!
Have a great week!